Strong is Beautiful


The question every woman has asked herself at some point. The question that when falsely answered creates fear, and sends women to run on the elliptical for hours upon hours or not eat for days. The question that has been answered and proven by endless research and athletes…

Is lifting heavy weight going to make me big and bulky?

First of all, we are what we consume and what we do. Your body is simply a reflection of what you put into it and what you ask out of it. Training and eating like an athlete is in no way going to make you “big and bulky.” If you are feeding your body steroids while at the same time lifting heavy weights then you are asking to look solely muscular rather than actually improve your performance as well. However, if you are eating correctly, consuming a healthy caloric number, and lifting heavy weights you are going to look better than you ever have before.

Still don’t buy it? Take a look at this article that shares photos of some of the top Female Crossfitters like Camille Leblanc-Bazinet or Christmas Abbott:
Not only has lifting heavy weight and eating right become a lifestyle for these ladies, but it is a job. Quite honestly, the majority of us ladies do not have the time to even come close to building the amount of muscle that they have, and I don’t know about you but they don’t resemble big and bulky to me.

Bottom line: Ladies, don’t be intimated by heavy weights. Don’t let the fear of developing a bodybuilder’s body stop you from going a little heavier (because believe me, you won’t). Choose to be strong!

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