In the Name of Progress


Too often as coaches we see athletes forcing the issue of the Rx.  I’ll even lump myself in this discussion because there are WODs that my pride does not want to take the back seat for safety sake!  What is it about those two letters R-x that make us all go a little crazy???  Is it pride; is it the thought that to scale is not the “real” workout???

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, we all had to start somewhere.  And wherever you are in your journey, you have progressed to where you are now.  Progression, albeit not always the most fun to wait for, is the main course of the journey.  It’s what keeps us coming back for more and more of this addictive medication called fitness.

The thought that I can do more, lift more, move faster, or whatever the case may be is what the progression is all about. The Rx gives us that goal; it sets the bar so to speak.  I get it; I have chased that Rx like there’s no tomorrow sometimes.  I’ve also paid the price for reaching too high when I wasn’t ready.  Thankfully no injuries occurred because they sure could have.    What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was actually doing myself more harm than good.

The question now is what to do?  Where do we go from here?  The answer is in the link below.  It’s time to do work, make those progressions, and use that word we all love to hate…. PATIENCE!

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